If I Become 100 Years Old
• Original title : 백 살이 되면
• Price : 17,000KRW
• Product Dimensions :
205x288, 40pages
• Publication Date : 2023-04-05
• ISBN : 979-11-6981-128-6 77810
• 도서상태 : 정상
Book Information & Summary
Written by Hwang In Chan and Illustrated by Seo Soo Yeon
“It would be great if I become 100 years old.” This is the first sentence in this picture book. “I wish I would never open my eyes in the morning.” The starting seems thrilling. Someone could imagine his or her own death with these bold and strong sentences. And then, the sentences in a poem present us simple feeling without hesitation. “If I could not open my eyes in the morning”, “The rolling sound of waterdrops on the grass leaves”, “The shaking sound of a wet sparrow”, “I wish I turn into a tree while listening in my bed” The resting time when I just lie down without moving in comfortable bed and only open my ears while getting warm light… The end of this deep resting time is still in the middle of the day, and all my family members surround me in the bed under soft afternoon light. If someone asks me whether I take a good rest and how I feel, I will answer I feel so good. I truly sympathize with this feeling. Anyone will desperately want to share the same feeling that the reality is as warm as the resting time.
Mr. Hwang In Chan, the poet, has created this poem with this picture book in mind even before this poem is decided to be the award winner. Readers can hear a complete story based on the combination of strong sentences, and they also can pop up visual images. And he also presents some empty space for illustrations.
The first sentence neatly lies in the light emerald colored page. The illustrations, which give a break to readers at the beginning, start making vivid images of break time with the combination of various colors, such as orange, blue, white, and so on. The wood structure of the bed where the character lied down is naturally changed into the ground floor and leads the readers deeply into the nature. This nature world is also connected with our childhood in this book. As the illustrator mentioned that she imagined “peaceful sleep of a person who wanders strange places for a long time”, the images connected to each other are well planned, mysterious, and beautiful. The illustrations are well balanced with the poem, but sometimes, the illustrator mismatches those two on purpose to vividly emphasize the imaginary world of this poem.
This is the first picture book of the illustrator, Seo Soo Yeon. Like her casual drawings after work, she posts in her social media every night, these unique and impressive illustrations contain the storyline as well. She organizes the story of illustrations several times, and then, she uses both wet and dry materials such as oil painting, pastel, colored pencils, and pencils to complete both heavy and light, soft and rough images.
“It would be great if I become 100 years old.” This is the first sentence in this picture book. “I wish I would never open my eyes in the morning.” The starting seems thrilling. Someone could imagine his or her own death with these bold and strong sentences. And then, the sentences in a poem present us simple feeling without hesitation. “If I could not open my eyes in the morning”, “The rolling sound of waterdrops on the grass leaves”, “The shaking sound of a wet sparrow”, “I wish I turn into a tree while listening in my bed” The resting time when I just lie down without moving in comfortable bed and only open my ears while getting warm light… The end of this deep resting time is still in the middle of the day, and all my family members surround me in the bed under soft afternoon light. If someone asks me whether I take a good rest and how I feel, I will answer I feel so good. I truly sympathize with this feeling. Anyone will desperately want to share the same feeling that the reality is as warm as the resting time.
Mr. Hwang In Chan, the poet, has created this poem with this picture book in mind even before this poem is decided to be the award winner. Readers can hear a complete story based on the combination of strong sentences, and they also can pop up visual images. And he also presents some empty space for illustrations.
The first sentence neatly lies in the light emerald colored page. The illustrations, which give a break to readers at the beginning, start making vivid images of break time with the combination of various colors, such as orange, blue, white, and so on. The wood structure of the bed where the character lied down is naturally changed into the ground floor and leads the readers deeply into the nature. This nature world is also connected with our childhood in this book. As the illustrator mentioned that she imagined “peaceful sleep of a person who wanders strange places for a long time”, the images connected to each other are well planned, mysterious, and beautiful. The illustrations are well balanced with the poem, but sometimes, the illustrator mismatches those two on purpose to vividly emphasize the imaginary world of this poem.
This is the first picture book of the illustrator, Seo Soo Yeon. Like her casual drawings after work, she posts in her social media every night, these unique and impressive illustrations contain the storyline as well. She organizes the story of illustrations several times, and then, she uses both wet and dry materials such as oil painting, pastel, colored pencils, and pencils to complete both heavy and light, soft and rough images.
Editor’s Note