China, its Dream to be No. 1 in the World
• Original title : 중국, 세계 1위를 꿈꾸다!
• Price : 13,800KRW
• Product Dimensions :
180x240, 128pages
• Publication Date : 2019-03-25
• ISBN : 9791160944532
Book Information & Summary
Written by Kang Chang Hoon and illustrated by Ko Se In
This is an educational book for children to grab the understanding of China’s present time while presenting the recent trend in the field of politics, economy, culture, science, environment, and society. It tells a realist story of China that we directly face with. The writer has pin-pointed curious issues about modern China as well. Why can’t people in China freely use the Internet? Why is China the country producing the most fake items? Is the competition so fierce in education in China like in Korea? Is China really the strong power country in terms of artificial intelligence area? Do ultrafine particles in Korea really come from China? Under all these six themes including politics, foreign affairs, economy, society, science, and environment, the writer has suggested 24 questions to go through China. In addition, all these knowledge and information are organized with cartoon and info-graphic materials, so children readers will easily understand even complicated and hard information.
This is an educational book for children to grab the understanding of China’s present time while presenting the recent trend in the field of politics, economy, culture, science, environment, and society. It tells a realist story of China that we directly face with. The writer has pin-pointed curious issues about modern China as well. Why can’t people in China freely use the Internet? Why is China the country producing the most fake items? Is the competition so fierce in education in China like in Korea? Is China really the strong power country in terms of artificial intelligence area? Do ultrafine particles in Korea really come from China? Under all these six themes including politics, foreign affairs, economy, society, science, and environment, the writer has suggested 24 questions to go through China. In addition, all these knowledge and information are organized with cartoon and info-graphic materials, so children readers will easily understand even complicated and hard information.
Editor’s Note