Oh, Victory! All About World Cup Soccer
• Original title : 오 필승! 월드컵 축구 대백과
• Price : 12,800KRW
• Product Dimensions :
180x240, 116pages
• Publication Date : 2018-05-30
• ISBN : 9791160943634
• 도서상태 : 정상
Book Information & Summary
Written by Kim Sung Ho Jung and Illustrated by Park Jae Hyun
This book is properly presenting not just the sports of soccer, including rules, skills, and penalties of game in detail just like a visual encyclopedia but also explains the history of world cup games and its sociological meaning. Therefore, the book suggests the way to look at the world cup games more meaningfully, which is the festival of humans along with the world history and also the major issue of international society. This one book contains the proper and necessary knowledge about the soccer that children should know.
This book is properly presenting not just the sports of soccer, including rules, skills, and penalties of game in detail just like a visual encyclopedia but also explains the history of world cup games and its sociological meaning. Therefore, the book suggests the way to look at the world cup games more meaningfully, which is the festival of humans along with the world history and also the major issue of international society. This one book contains the proper and necessary knowledge about the soccer that children should know.