Always Want Compliments
• Original title : 언제나 칭찬
• Price : 7,800KRW
• Product Dimensions :
160x210, 60pages
• Publication Date : 2017-04-10
• ISBN : 9791160940619
• 도서상태 : 정상
Book Information & Summary
Written by Ryu Ho Sun and Illustrated by Park Jeong Sub
Tory wants to be the king of compliments. This story is all about events of Tory to get compliments from others. One day, a teacher gives students homework to receive compliment after telling them ‘The First Journey of the Youngest Wild Goose’. Tory asks his grandmother, who always listens to him whatever, to praise him. His behavior somewhat looks rude and insisting, but readers can also sympathize this young child longing for getting compliments more and more from adults. The writer who is also an elementary school teacher touches the heart of children, who are eager to receive compliments, with warm intention just like Tory’s grandmother. Furthermore, the witty and fun illustrations by the illustrator, Park, Jeong Sub, whom children support and love so much, even shine the storyline more and more.
Tory wants to be the king of compliments. This story is all about events of Tory to get compliments from others. One day, a teacher gives students homework to receive compliment after telling them ‘The First Journey of the Youngest Wild Goose’. Tory asks his grandmother, who always listens to him whatever, to praise him. His behavior somewhat looks rude and insisting, but readers can also sympathize this young child longing for getting compliments more and more from adults. The writer who is also an elementary school teacher touches the heart of children, who are eager to receive compliments, with warm intention just like Tory’s grandmother. Furthermore, the witty and fun illustrations by the illustrator, Park, Jeong Sub, whom children support and love so much, even shine the storyline more and more.