Time in Need of Philosophy
• Price : 17,800KRW
• Product Dimensions :
148x225, 348pages
• Publication Date : 2011-02-15
• ISBN : 978-89-5828-534-2 03100
Book Information & Summary
Kang Shinjoo
The author, Kang, Shin-Joo, is one of the most brilliant philosophers who can understand the thirst of general educational book readers. He does not provide one-way, by rote philosophy lecture, but he has given lectures at the public academy where he meets and communicates with the general public face to face, not at the college classrooms, and he shares his own philosophical reasons and sympathizes with people who find his lecture to solve their worries and dissatisfaction. This book is ‘realistic liberal arts sympathizing essay’, which reflects his experience and know-how effectively.
It has two outstanding different characteristics compared with the existing classic guide books. First, it does not introduce the stereotype philosophical classic books, but it has selected literature works of humanity scholars who have motif to reflect the consciousness toward the current social issues. Therefore, readers will be able to find out various philosophers regardless of time and space, and even meet somewhat unfamiliar names, which were not included in the typical classic guide books, such as Irigaray, Nagarjuna, Lee Ji, Ravaisson, Maturana, etc. Second, the book provides realistic philosophical and liberal arts advisory to readers, so that they can easily sympathize with the contents as if they are in psychology counseling session.
The author, Kang, Shin-Joo, is one of the most brilliant philosophers who can understand the thirst of general educational book readers. He does not provide one-way, by rote philosophy lecture, but he has given lectures at the public academy where he meets and communicates with the general public face to face, not at the college classrooms, and he shares his own philosophical reasons and sympathizes with people who find his lecture to solve their worries and dissatisfaction. This book is ‘realistic liberal arts sympathizing essay’, which reflects his experience and know-how effectively.
It has two outstanding different characteristics compared with the existing classic guide books. First, it does not introduce the stereotype philosophical classic books, but it has selected literature works of humanity scholars who have motif to reflect the consciousness toward the current social issues. Therefore, readers will be able to find out various philosophers regardless of time and space, and even meet somewhat unfamiliar names, which were not included in the typical classic guide books, such as Irigaray, Nagarjuna, Lee Ji, Ravaisson, Maturana, etc. Second, the book provides realistic philosophical and liberal arts advisory to readers, so that they can easily sympathize with the contents as if they are in psychology counseling session.
Editor’s Note

The Commercial Press(홍콩)